Korean Spicy Chicken & Tacos | Fusion Dish | History & Recipe
Helllllooo, What is up folks!! Guys, a question! Do you like Mexican food? Yeah? But what about Korean food? I know for a fact I love both!! I ask because what we have for you today is pretty damn special. It’s a combination of Korean and Mexican food. Right now you are probably thinking, how can you fuse these two extremely different cuisines? Well..it’s 2017 my friends, anything’s possible and this combo “Korean Spicy Chicken Taco” not only has existed for a while, it is a well loved fusion dish by many. To an extent, Korean spicy chicken looks like regular KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) but it’s sweet and sour and very Asian style. Taco is well, taco! It is Mexican food and it’s eaten worldwide especially in the states - not a lot of us living in Asia get to eat Taco on a regular basis and restaurants seldom sell them either. So we hope this home-made fusion dish will satisfy your cravings for taco with a bit of Asian taste of chicken thrown in the mix. ...