
Korean Spicy Chicken & Tacos | Fusion Dish | History & Recipe

Helllllooo, What is up folks!! Guys, a question! Do you like Mexican food? Yeah? But what about Korean food?  I know for a fact I love both!! I ask because what we have for you today is pretty damn special. It’s a combination of Korean and Mexican food. Right now you are probably thinking, how can you fuse these two extremely different cuisines?’s 2017 my friends, anything’s possible and this combo “Korean Spicy Chicken Taco” not only has existed for a while, it is a well loved fusion dish by many. To an extent, Korean spicy chicken looks like regular KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) but it’s sweet and sour and very Asian style. Taco is well, taco! It is Mexican food and it’s eaten worldwide especially in the states - not a lot of us living in Asia get to eat Taco on a regular basis and restaurants seldom sell them either.  So we hope this home-made fusion dish will satisfy your cravings for taco with a bit of Asian taste of chicken thrown in the mix. ...

Tandoori Chicken - HISTORY AND RECIPE

Ladies & Gents, as promised, I hereby present you the fifth dish of our 100 Asian dishes - the history and the recipe of one of the most cherished Indian dishes of all time - Tandoooooooooooooooooooooooooooori Chicken!!!  (notice the ‘o’s? *insert indian accent*) First of all, I want to apologize for this post being a little late but I promise we will make it up to you later this week with a SURPRISE which we’re pretty sure you guys will love. With that being said, LET’S DO THIS!!!! Tandoori Chicken 101 Guys, Indian cuisine is exquisite. I mean there’s gotta be a reason why their food is expensive and why the cuisine stays famous. But here’s something cool; for majority of the Indian dishes, they are not always about the looks - they’re ALL about the taste. Their cuisine has the only dishes in the world that do not need a thousand garnishes (no offense le' French) to look pretty ‘cos the taste makes up for everything. After you’ve finished this post and...

TERIYAKI CHICKEN & RICE - History & Recipe

Hi my dudes and dudettes! Welcome back to Serious Bites!!! First, let us thank each and every one of our readers for the likes and follows on our FaceBook page & Blogger. For new readers you can check us out @ Seriousbitesfoodreviews on Facebook. Almost a thousand likes now, it’s crazy. All likes, follows, reviews, comments, every new reader on our page mean the world to us so we really can’t thank you enough!! Xie Xie! :) Our goal is to achieve more than 5k readers by the end of this year. Big dream, yes but with your help, we are hundred percent positive that we will get there :) We promise to do our best to keep you updated on a daily basis with informative posts that cover every possible Asian dish there is today …. 100 Asian dishes is just getting started!!!!! Also, we’ve figured FaceBook page isn’t ideal for our readers simply because FB does not have the formatting option and the unformatted long posts are a drag to read. So bear with us if you’d have to click a...